I know I can survive anything
I know I will die.
There is an immense comfort that I take in this –
That suffering and struggle are inevitable
that death and end times betide.
No matter how I am suffering now
if I can feel this pain
I know I am living.
My body heralds endings.
Nerves try in vain to spark a new connection
What tech support do I call
for these crossed wires?
Dearest Nora,
Your poem calls to my mind for me (all too belatedly) one of the strange, chanted lines of the Heart Sutra, which is full of seeming life-contradictions: “No more suffering…no end to suffering.” Surely “tech support” must be the Consciousness pervading every condition on earth, but yes, how is that accessed??? Dunno; it seems to be everywhere and nowhere…
Guess we are here to live questions, however difficult, and you are certainly being handed yours in big fat envelopes.
Only hope that, however you can, you continue to “turn sorrow into song,” as the Hassidic aphorism urges. This song is super powerful. Much love, Claudia