
Baby Face Wile Sleeping
Photo by Burst from Pexels

Didn’t I tell you once about the bat-eyed crone

Who delivered you to my doorstep with a muffled creak

I found you with your face made of the same cheesy haggis as the moon

Your eyes like plum pits wanting for buoyant pulp

I tried PediaSure, but molten lava spewed from your ear canals

Similac led to a dozen purple pentagrams etched into your sacrum

Enfamil caused the nails on your middle toes to grow to the length of orchards

They crept round to the conservatory and learned to play a Stradivarius violin

The vibrations would climb back up through your toes and soothe you to sleep

Your doctor didn’t know what to think, but he had some pills for me

I feared that trying you on my breast would be the hardest on you of all

But I needn’t have been so doubtful

Once you latched and suckled, you were engorged into a striped white tiger

The lactation consultant had little to say about the fang marks around my areola

But how you adored her strokes behind your fuzzy ears

I think you’ll stay with me for a good long while.

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